In this strange network space you will find yourself with lots of beasts, aliens, and Extrabagantes Fantastic Beings. You will travel through wonderful stories of action and adventure, you will live a great emotion through the roller coaster imagination of its author.
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Don't judge me if you love your ass!Affif Ashyraf is mine!
Hello, I'm Fify Feever , i have got 16 year in the life of adventure. Travel ever be of infinite by confusing letters of the books. In addition to delve a dark pasadisos of the numbers. The paradise of music messes serious moments ...
His smile breaks each of my senses.
I, Love,You, Stalker

Affif Ashyraf.I don't know what is about you that closes and opens, only something in me understand the voice in your eyes is deeper than all rosses.. Iloveyouthanyouknow
Friday 6 July 2012

Affif Ashyraf, awak dengar hati saya tengah bisik ni, dia kata dia rindu awak sangat, dia rindu nak gaduh dgn awak, rindu nak pelok awak, rindu nak dgr suara awak, rindu nak pelok awak, rindu nak dgr nightwish awak, rindu kacau awak, rindu old conversation kita awak, awak saya rindu awak.... bila nak balik kl, bila nak habis orientation awak? saya dah mula benci dgn diri sy awak, sy buat itu ini semua tak kena, sy ada masalah sy tak tahu nak cerita kat siapa awak, awak je tmpt sy mgadu, awakje yg selalu teman sy bila sy bosan, now saya dah tak tak tahu nak whatsapp dgn siapa, hm sy penat awak mcmni, saya penat berlakon happy dpn kawan2, penat nak berlakon yg saya tak rindu awak :') awak tersangat2 bz sekarang, sampai takde masa untuk saya, tapi awak tetap ckp ''saya kat sini selalu rindu awak syg awak, ingat awak'' '' saya tak pandang perempuan lain'' kan awak? bila baca macamtu saya senyum awak, senyum happy semuanya, tapi bila awak dah taip macamtu awak mesti end conversation awak nak sambung orientasi awak, mandi, makan semua kan awak, saya.. hm takpe sy paham, sy try paham awak semampu saya boleh, even rindu saya dekat awak Ya Allah, tuhan saja tahu syg :') awak jaga diri tau syg :') sy kat sini selalu doakn kejayaan awak syg, take care jgn minum air coke tau syg ;') iloveyou :*